According to Cordell

My Setup

Main Work Computer/Hackintosh

My day to day computer is a desktop hackintosh that I built in early 2010. For the most part I find it to be rock solid and a great alternative to pricey Apple hardware.

List of components


Currently: 10.8.2 Mountain Lion

Started at 10.6.3 (Snow Leporad) originally. Did minor updates until about 6 months after Lion relase. Upgraded to Lion. Approximately six months later upgraded to Mountain Lion 10.8 in December 2012.


I also dual boot into Windows 7. Windows 7 is stored on a seperate harddrive and I boot into it using Chimera.

OSX Software


Laptop is currently running Linux Mint 14 KDE and dual booting Windows 7.


Acer Revo 3610 running XBMCbuntu v.12


Jailbroken iPad 3 6.1 Jailbroken iPhone 5 6.1