My Setup
Main Work Computer/Hackintosh
My day to day computer is a desktop hackintosh that I built in early 2010. For the most part I find it to be rock solid and a great alternative to pricey Apple hardware.
List of components
- GA-P67-UD3-B3 BIOS Revision: F9
- i7-2600k
- Gigabyte ATI Radeon 5770
- Crucial C300 128gb SSD
- Corsair 650w Power Supply
- G-Skill Ripjaw 4GBx4
- NZXT H2 Case
Currently: 10.8.2 Mountain Lion
Started at 10.6.3 (Snow Leporad) originally. Did minor updates until about 6 months after Lion relase. Upgraded to Lion. Approximately six months later upgraded to Mountain Lion 10.8 in December 2012.
I also dual boot into Windows 7. Windows 7 is stored on a seperate harddrive and I boot into it using Chimera.
OSX Software
- Papers: a program for organizing scientific literature. This program was my reason for turning to OSX.
Laptop is currently running Linux Mint 14 KDE and dual booting Windows 7.
Acer Revo 3610 running XBMCbuntu v.12
Jailbroken iPad 3 6.1 Jailbroken iPhone 5 6.1